Thursday, November 1, 2007

Project Projections

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I went to Malaprops and Pack Place library yesterday in the hopes of finding some worthy possible replacements for my theoretically weeded books. I found a couple of interesting and very current books on global warming and recycling at Malaprops. One is a child-friendly version of An Inconvenient Truth. The other is a really cool book, The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming. It is written in a very accessible way to kids. It doesn’t take Global Warming lightly; however, the tone of the book is positive and often humorous. This approach seems like an effective way to appeal to the young readers in a way that empowers them enough to do something about the problem of global warming. At Pack Place, I found a couple of good possibilities to replace a book from the 80’s about coping with divorce.
As far as the censorship project, I’ve also found some great books for a core collection. I will still need to find a few more to feel like I have enough.
So, I’m moving right along.

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