Wednesday, October 10, 2007

controversial issue group project progress

Blog 2 Controversial Issue: Sexuality
Kate, Laurie, and I are trying to get into the groove of our project. I would say we are in the ironing-out state at this point. We have begun to sharpen our focus on LGBTQ issues and materials for children and young adults. I have spoken with an elementary librarian who has some titles in her library’s collection that address lesbian and gay issues, but she warned me this is probably an exception to the other Asheville City School libraries. Honestly, I was shocked she had any titles at all that addressed homosexuality. So, pleasantly surprised is a nice place to start.
We have begun to delegate tasks a little, although we are not sure what all of our tasks might be. Laurie is going to type up a survey to send out to some librarians, Kate will probably do Power Point, and I am going to continue finding titles and do some analysis. It seems like we have the group project ball rolling!

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