Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Overall, the group project experience was a positive one. Just researching and discovering a lot of great children’s books dealing with homosexuality was, in itself, a gratifying experience. Also, trying to learn some basics about PowerPoint with Kate’s help was great. But, concerning how things went with long distance group member…not so great. I don’t think this had as much to do with working out logistics or technical issues as it did with perhaps, expectations we had for each other and work distribution issues.
Of course, in any group project work distribution is never equal. One or two people may end up shouldering more of the burden. But what was frustrating for me in this experience, was that I felt like the Asheville team more than fulfilled our share of the work, but were being criticized by the Boone team member for not doing enough …or something. Honestly, I don’t know what it was she was unhappy with.
I’m not sure exactly what I would change about this process. I think it probably worked really well for most groups, and I could imagine it working well for me if I tried it again. Sometimes issues just come up, but I think there are probably valuable lessons to be learned even when there are problems. One thing that probably would have been helpful was having required set meeting times. This could have helped each member stay accountable for their share of the work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Powerful Points

It looks like the ole Action Learning Project is winding up. I feel good about what I’ve learned. There is a huge selection of children’s books available that deal with homosexuality in a positive way. That’s the good news. The bad news is when you learn how many of them have been challenged or even burned. But, I, as a future librarian need to become as prepared as possible to deal with these issues.
I read some really high quality and entertainng books throughout this project. I also read a couple of stinkers. Kate allowing me to kind of look over her shoulder, make comments and suggestions, and “help” her do the PowerPoint was invaluable. This was my first experience using the PowerPoint program, and I really appreciated Kate’s patience in letting me in on whole process. On to the Copyright project! Whew.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Kate and I worked on the PowerPoint presentation on Wednesday. I think it’s going to look really nice. I scanned all of the books for my core collection, and we put those on the PowerPoint. Kate is working on the anti collection, so we will probably put some of those images on too. I’m so glad Kate let me work with her. I feel like I’ve already learned a lot about PowerPoint just because of our meeting. I sent the email of the librarian I work with to Laurie. I got the librarians official approval and email. She seemed to be happy to do it for us. I think the pieces will come together into a nice finished product.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

heavy blog next 3 miles

5010 Blog
It’s hard to believe the semester is almost over! It flew by in a way, but also it seems a small lifetime has passed. I’m looking forward to getting together with Kate this Wednesday to work on our PowerPoint presentation for the censorship project. She knows a lot of the technological side of life, and I’m hoping she can begin to fill me in. For some reason, I’m feeling frightened about the action project, but I’m sure it will come together cohesively eventually. I don’t know why it makes me so nervous… maybe the fact that’s its 20% of out grade! I guess things are moving along.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Project Projections

5010 Blog
I went to Malaprops and Pack Place library yesterday in the hopes of finding some worthy possible replacements for my theoretically weeded books. I found a couple of interesting and very current books on global warming and recycling at Malaprops. One is a child-friendly version of An Inconvenient Truth. The other is a really cool book, The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming. It is written in a very accessible way to kids. It doesn’t take Global Warming lightly; however, the tone of the book is positive and often humorous. This approach seems like an effective way to appeal to the young readers in a way that empowers them enough to do something about the problem of global warming. At Pack Place, I found a couple of good possibilities to replace a book from the 80’s about coping with divorce.
As far as the censorship project, I’ve also found some great books for a core collection. I will still need to find a few more to feel like I have enough.
So, I’m moving right along.

Project Projections

5010 Blog
I went to Malaprops and Pack Place library yesterday in the hopes of finding some worthy possible replacements for my theoretically weeded books. I found a couple of interesting and very current books on global warming and recycling at Malaprops. One is a child-friendly version of An Inconvenient Truth. The other is a really cool book, The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming. It is written in a very accessible way to kids. It doesn’t take Global Warming lightly; however, the tone of the book is positive and often humorous. This approach seems like an effective way to appeal to the young readers in a way that empowers them enough to do something about the problem of global warming. At Pack Place, I found a couple of good possibilities to replace a book from the 80’s about coping with divorce.
As far as the censorship project, I’ve also found some great books for a core collection. I will still need to find a few more to feel like I have enough.
So, I’m moving right along.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Blog 5 Project Updates

I am making headway on the Dewey Decimal weeding project. I spent some time at the Jones Elementary Library perusing the stacks and talking with the librarian about the collection and its weeding needs. Based on this conversation, I chose to focus on the 300s section of the collection. While I understand the project is strictly theoretical, I thought it would be interesting to work on a section that the librarian has already assessed as being in need of weeding. With Ms. Hendrix’s help, I have printed out a shelf list for my chosen section. It contains over three hundred titles. I made some initial notes while in the stacks this past week. I am now revisiting the list, making additional notes and assessments and will return to the stacks this week to continue the weeding process.

For the copyright project, I have been in conversation with the Jones Elementary librarian. I have borrowed the book Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition, by Carol Simpson. It isn’t exactly an exciting read, but it’s packed with useful and pertinent information, so I’ve begun trying to slog my way through it. It covers everything from the basics of copyright law to specific copyright issues pertaining to the use of audiovisual materials, computer software, and the Internet in schools.

My group project is moving along smoothly. My group members and I have identified three key focus areas and each of us is working on one of them. I am working on developing a “core collection” of LGBTQ-related titles for an elementary school library. I’ve talked at length with the Jones Elementary librarian about this topic and have been heartened to learn that she has prioritized expanding this component of the Jones collection. I enjoyed walking around the library with her as she pulled a range of titles from the stacks including King and King and Tango Makes Three. I was pleasantly surprised to see these titles “mainstreamed” throughout the collection. There is still plenty of room for this collection to be expanded, and I have found numerous titles by researching online. There were also a number of good LGBTQ related titles cited in the article I reviewed last week, “Master Class in Teaching Children’s Literature.”